
How Many Registered Voters Are There In California?

Party registration by county (October 2018):

 Democrat >= xxx%

 Democrat >= 40%

 Democrat >= 50%

 Republican >= 30%

 Republican >= 40%

The following is a listing of California locations by voter registration.

In October 2020, California had 22,047,448 registered voters, comprising 87.87% of its full eligible voters. Of those registered voters, ten,170,317 (46.10 percentage) were registered Democrats, 5,334,323 (24.20 percent) were Republicans and, 5,283,853 were No Party Preference (24.00 pct).

The canton with the highest percentage of registered Republicans was Modoc Canton, with registered Republicans comprising half of the registered voters. The ten counties with the highest percentage of registered Republicans are relatively pocket-sized, with an boilerplate population of 91,776, and all but one are landlocked.

Similarly, the counties with the ten everyman percentages of registered voters are all relatively modest and landlocked, with the exception of Monterey County. Kings County had the everyman percentage of registered voters, with simply 34.vii percent of its population registered to vote. The ii smallest counties in California by population as well had the highest percentage of registered voters; Sierra County had the highest percentage, with 73.1 percent of its population registered to vote.

Inglewood had the highest percentage of registered Democrats of any identify in California. The ten places with the highest percentage of registered Democrats all had high percentages of minorities (see California locations past race) and relatively low levels of income. On the other paw, Marin Canton, the highest income canton in California by per capita income, had many more registered Democrats than Republicans. Farther, of the ten highest-income counties in California by per capita income, all but Placer County, Orange County and El Dorado County had more registered Democrats than Republicans. But in withal another reversal, the identify with the highest percentage of registered Republicans was Villa Park, which also has very high levels of income. Of the ten places in California with the highest percent of registered Republicans, nigh have incomes higher up the land average (run across California locations by income).

Entire country [edit]

Total population[1] 39.78 One thousand thousand
  Registered voters[2] [notation 1] 22,047,448 50.v%
    Democratic[2] x,170,317
    Republican[ii] v,334,323 24.2%
    Democratic–Republican spread[ii] +4,835,994 +21.9%
    Other[two] 1,258,955 v.7%
    No party preference[2] 5,283,853 24.0%

Counties [edit]

County Population[3] Registered voters[2]
[notation 1]
Autonomous[2] Republican[2] D–R spread[2] Other[2] No party preference[two]
Alameda ane,666,753 53.0% 55.4% 10.81% +44.6% 4.15% 29.6%
Tall 1,101 seventy.2% 41.3% 25.9% +15.4% five.8% 27.0%
Amador 39,383 69.0% 28.three% 43.7% -15.4% 6.6% 21.iii%
Butte 231,256 52.9% 34.iv% 33.7% +0.6% seven.0% 24.8%
Calaveras 45,602 64.half-dozen% 26.9% 41.four% -14.5% 8.2% 23.6%
Colusa 21,627 40.8% 39.4% -10.nine% 4.ii% 25.7%
Contra Costa 1,150,215 54.viii% 48.5% nineteen.four% +29.i% 4.5% 27.7%
Del Norte 27,828 49.4% 30.3% 35.vii% -5.4% 7.half-dozen% 26.four%
El Dorado 190,678 63.ix% 28.five% -11.iii% seven.1% 24.6%
Fresno 994,400 46.three% 37.5% 32.6% +4.8% 5.1% 24.8%
Glenn 28,047 41.9% -14.two% 5.5% 24.nine%
Humboldt 136,373 57.three% 43.six% 22.half dozen% +20.nine% 7.6% 26.two%
Imperial 181,827 38.4% 47.1% xviii.2% +28.9% four.half dozen% 30.0%
Inyo 17,987 56.five% 30.1% 39.0% -8.nine% 6.4% 24.4%
Kern 896,764 42.three% 33.ane% 34.ix% -1.vii% 5.five% 26.five%
Kings 151,366 34.7% 32.3% 39.nine% -vii.half dozen% 4.7% 23.0%
Lake 64,382 51.0% 37.three% 26.4% +10.nine% six.7% 29.5%
Lassen 30,802 46.ix% 19.v% -29.2% 24.2%
Los Angeles 10,105,518 53.4% 49.7% xvi.7% +33.0% four.viii% 28.8%
Madera 157,672 36.viii% 31.ii% 37.9% -vi.6% 5.four% 25.4%
Marin 259,666 62.three% 55.3% 14.iv% +twoscore.ix% 4.7% 25.nine%
Mariposa 17,471 62.three% 42.5% -xiv.8% 7.4% 22.five%
Mendocino 87,606 56.8% 46.7% 19.five% +27.ii% 8.0% 25.6%
Merced 274,765 35.viii% 42.4% 27.1% +15.4% four.5% 26.0%
Modoc eight,777 56.3% 21.2% 49.0% -27.9% six.9% 22.9%
Mono 14,250 47.0% 34.i% thirty.two% +3.9% 6.2% 29.iv%
Monterey 435,594 43.5% 48.7% 20.2% 4.4% 26.6%
Napa 139,417 56.0% 45.three% 21.7% +23.6% v.half dozen% 27.4%
Nevada 99,696 68.7% 36.0% 32.five% +iii.5% xiii.viii% 11.4%
Orange 3,185,968 49.9% 33.three% 34.0% -0.7% 4.2% 28.5%
Placer 393,149 60.5% 27.ix% 41.0% vi.1% 25.0%
Plumas 18,804 65.8% 27.7% 41.9% -fourteen.2% 7.0% 23.4%
Riverside ii,450,758 43.ii% 36.8% 32.1% +4.vii% v.4%
Sacramento 1,540,975 fifty.6% 42.0% 25.ii% +16.eight% 5.7% 27.1%
San Benito 61,537 l.4% 44.6% 25.4% +nineteen.2% 4.3% 25.7%
San Bernardino 2,171,603 44.3% 38.eight% 28.viii% +x.0% half dozen.0% 26.four%
San Diego iii,343,364 52.ii% 35.vii% 27.1% 5.6%
San Francisco 883,305 55.8% 56.8% six.iv% +50.iv% 3.9% 32.9%
San Joaquin 752,660 46.4% 41.0% 28.four% +12.half-dozen% 4.nine% 25.7%
San Luis Obispo 284,010 60.0% 34.3% 34.4% -0.ane% 6.2% 25.1%
San Mateo 769,545 52.6% 50.0% 14.viii% +35.2% three.9% 31.3%
Santa Barbara 446,527 48.nine% 41.9% 25.three% +16.6% 5.2% 27.6%
Santa Clara ane,937,570 46.2% 45.two% 16.nine% +28.three% three.4% 34.v%
Santa Cruz 274,255 58.7% 54.2% xiii.vii% +40.5% 8.8% 27.0%
Shasta 180,040 56.two% 22.viii% 45.eight% -23.0% 6.1% 25.3%
Sierra 2,987 73.1% 27.iii% 39.9% -12.6% 9.8% 23.0%
Siskiyou 43,724 63.0% 38.0% -eight.4% vii.7% 24.7%
Solano 446,610 52.8% 45.1% 21.2% +23.9% v.v% 28.ii%
Sonoma 499,942 55.5% 51.5% 17.8% +33.7% 5.4% 25.3%
Stanislaus 549,815 45.7% 36.8% 34.3% +2.5% 5.viii% 23.1%
Sutter 96,807 48.iii% 29.iii% 38.7% -nine.4% 25.4%
Tehama 63,916 52.1% 24.8% 42.4% -18.1% seven.4% 25.9%
Trinity 12,535 60.0% 31.3% 32.0% -0.7% 17.half dozen% xix.i%
Tulare 465,861 36.5% 31.0% 38.four% -vii.four% v.i% 25.5%
Tuolumne 54,539 58.9% 28.half dozen% 40.8% -12.2% half-dozen.0% 24.half-dozen%
Ventura 850,967 53.5% 39.four% 29.0% +ten.4% 6.1% 25.v%
Yolo 220,408 51.1% 47.0% 19.3% +27.vii% v.6% 28.1%
Yuba 78,041 43.4% 26.vii% 35.viii% -9.1% 8.0% 29.5%

Cities [edit]

City County[4] Population[four] Registered voters[2] [note 1] Autonomous[2] Republican[2] D–R spread[2] Other[two] No party preference[ii]
Alameda Alameda 73,239 61.three% 55.1% fourteen.v% +xl.6% 11.9% xx.7%
Albany Alameda 18,217 59.1% 64.0% 6.v% +57.5% 11.8% 18.9%
Berkeley Alameda 111,008 72.9% 64.7% 4.4% +lx.3% 15.three% 17.0%
Dublin Alameda 44,171 52.vii% 42.vii% 24.half-dozen% +eighteen.i% fourteen.3% 21.3%
Emeryville Alameda nine,698 64.7% 59.half-dozen% 7.6% +52.0% 15.3% nineteen.five%
Fremont Alameda 211,748 47.9% 46.iv% 17.five% +28.9% 12.2% 26.0%
Hayward Alameda 14,236 43.7% 60.i% +47.4% 11.0% 18.4%
Livermore Alameda 79,710 61.v% 39.4% 33.1% +6.3% 12.4% eighteen.2%
Newark Alameda 42,322 48.half dozen% 53.9% xvi.6% +37.three% ten.7%
Oakland Alameda 389,397 55.4% 66.7% five.9% +60.8% 12.1% 16.9%
Piedmont Alameda x,640 56.0% +36.4% viii.iv% 17.9%
Pleasanton Alameda 69,220 61.5% 38.2% 31.8% +6.4% 12.0% 20.5%
San Leandro Alameda 83,877 50.9% 58.7% +45.0% 10.two% 19.5%
Union Metropolis Alameda 68,830 48.6% 54.9% 13.1% +41.8% x.5% 23.3%
Amador Amador 158 83.5% 34.ane% -7.6% 9.8% 18.ii%
Ione Amador vii,873 29.0% 27.3% 49.4% -22.1% 11.4% 16.8%
Jackson Amador iv,626 55.vii% 32.3% 42.6% -x.iii% 11.2% 18.4%
Plymouth Amador i,055 49.4% 30.9% 38.8% -seven.9% 13.2% 22.five%
Sutter Creek Amador 2,497 68.4% 35.nine% 41.ix% -6.0% 9.half-dozen%
Biggs Butte 1,927 38.7% 36.vii% 37.nine% -1.2% 8.8% 19.8%
Chico Butte 85,605 55.0% twoscore.1% 30.3% +ix.8% ix.8% 22.7%
Gridley Butte half-dozen,509 forty.six% 37.6% 34.8% +2.viii% ix.7% 21.3%
Oroville Butte xv,445 40.viii% 32.1% 36.2% -iv.1% 11.7% 24.ii%
Paradise Butte 26,348 62.1% 31.ane% forty.eight% -9.7% eleven.5% 20.5%
Angels Calaveras three,820 61.9% 31.v% 42.9% -11.4% 11.two% 18.i%
Colusa Colusa 5,951 37.8% 35.5% 44.6% -9.1% 5.6% xvi.8%
Williams Colusa 5,003 22.7% 43.5% 31.4% +12.i% 23.0%
Antioch Contra Costa 101,118 43.ii% 55.vii% 20.0% +35.7% 7.ii% xix.nine%
Brentwood Contra Costa 48,582 53.3% 43.two% 32.8% +x.4% seven.four% xix.6%
Clayton Contra Costa ten,856 66.6% 38.2% 38.5% -0.3% vii.5% 19.1%
Concord Contra Costa 121,989 46.6% 48.1% 25.1% +23.0% 7.nine% 22.0%
Danville Contra Costa 41,994 65.9% 33.5% 42.1% -viii.6% xx.8%
El Cerrito Contra Costa 23,482 59.9% 64.0% 9.0% +55.0% five.half-dozen% 22.half-dozen%
Hercules Contra Costa 23,556 52.2% 59.four% 13.9% +45.5% 23.eight%
Lafayette Contra Costa 23,863 69.6% 44.6% 30.six% +fourteen.0% six.2% 20.ix%
Martinez Contra Costa 35,808 60.0% 48.9% 25.0% +23.ix% 8.3% 20.8%
Moraga Contra Costa 16,033 63.viii% twoscore.3% 33.3% +7.0% 5.two%
Oakley Contra Costa 34,410 47.0% 53.8% 24.0% +29.viii% 7.two% xviii.0%
Orinda Contra Costa 17,599 73.half dozen% 45.0% xxx.iv% +14.6% 5.three% 21.3%
Pinole Contra Costa 18,470 53.3% 57.8% 17.two% +40.6% six.2% 21.0%
Pittsburg Contra Costa 62,528 twoscore.9% 60.9% 14.3% +46.6% half-dozen.ane% 21.0%
Pleasant Hill Contra Costa 33,045 57.nine% 46.5% 25.1% +21.4% 7.7% 23.5%
Richmond Contra Costa 103,161 40.2% 68.3% 7.nine% +60.four% 5.9%
San Pablo Contra Costa 29,224 28.0% 66.4% eight.0% +58.iv% 5.0% 22.1%
San Ramon Contra Costa 69,241 l.0% 39.1% 29.viii% +9.3% 6.3% 27.5%
Walnut Creek Contra Costa 64,168 65.vii% 45.0% xxx.0% +xv.0% 6.ii% 21.1%
Crescent City Del Norte 7,673 22.3% 35.v% 29.4% xv.3% 25.5%
Placerville El Dorado 10,394 52.ix% 34.0% 37.four% -3.iv% 11.five% 21.3%
Southward Lake Tahoe El Dorado 21,814 42.four% 38.6% 22.viii% +15.viii% fourteen.0% 29.0%
Clovis Fresno 93,304 58.0% 29.ane% 49.5% -twenty.iv% 8.2% 16.two%
Coalinga Fresno xiii,246 33.0% 38.6% 36.0% +2.6% 8.4% twenty.0%
Firebaugh Fresno seven,474 28.0% 57.5% 22.0% +35.5% half dozen.8% sixteen.0%
Fowler Fresno v,434 47.3% 44.1% 34.half-dozen% +9.v% 4.6% 18.ane%
Fresno Fresno 489,922 45.4% 43.ix% 33.v% +10.iv% seven.4% 17.7%
Huron Fresno half-dozen,733 14.v% 65.iii% 14.0% +51.3% 7.3% 15.eight%
Kerman Fresno thirteen,093 38.6% 47.0% 28.7% +18.iii% xi.6% 17.6%
Kingsburg Fresno 11,221 55.0% 24.9% 56.0% -31.1% vii.9% 14.1%
Mendota Fresno ten,729 19.half dozen% 67.viii% 15.three% +52.5% 3.8% 14.3%
Orangish Cove Fresno eight,889 29.four% 65.8% xv.0% +50.viii% 4.four% 16.3%
Parlier Fresno xiv,204 26.1% 60.viii% 17.v% +43.3% four.five% 18.5%
Reedley Fresno 23,968 36.4% 38.vii% 40.three% six.5% sixteen.7%
San Joaquin Fresno 3,965 17.4% threescore.v% 17.iii% +43.2% vi.1% 18.3%
Sanger Fresno 23,814 41.8% 49.4% 30.0% +19.4% 5.5% 17.0%
Selma Fresno 22,939 36.half dozen% 47.0% 33.0% +14.0% six.7% 15.8%
Orland Glenn 7,214 40.six% 33.five% forty.3% -half dozen.8% 8.ii% 21.3%
Willows Glenn 6,190 40.4% 32.0% 41.4% -9.4% ten.half-dozen% 20.4%
Arcata Humboldt 17,118 71.9% 45.1% 10.2% +34.9% xv.v% 32.2%
Blue Lake Humboldt 1,336 61.4% 43.0% 20.4% +22.6% 13.vii% 26.1%
Eureka Humboldt 27,027 53.6% 42.v% 25.iii% +17.2% 11.3%
Ferndale Humboldt 1,503 63.7% 39.4% 38.2% +1.2% 7.v% 17.iv%
Fortuna Humboldt 11,753 54.six% 33.7% 38.1% -4.4% x.0% 22.0%
Rio Dell Humboldt iii,342 fifty.9% 33.5% 35.iii% -ane.eight% 13.three% 23.1%
Trinidad Humboldt 286 94.8% 52.eight% 18.i% +34.vii% ix.two% 22.5%
Brawley Imperial 24,645 37.1% 50.5% 26.vii% +23.8% 5.9% 19.1%
Calexico Imperial 37,378 39.0% 61.eight% +52.1% 4.2%
Calipatria Imperial vii,292 sixteen.0% eighteen.7% +35.0% 6.5% 23.four%
El Centro Imperial 42,141 38.1% 49.0% 25.half-dozen% +23.four% half-dozen.0% 21.6%
Holtville Imperial five,908 35.three% 45.0% 28.4% +sixteen.6% viii.2% 21.5%
Royal Majestic xiv,017 40.9% 39.6% 32.4% +7.2% 7.nine% 23.i%
Westmorland Royal one,714 42.eight% 56.0% 19.five% +36.5% 7.ane% twenty.0%
Bishop Inyo three,839 42.nine% 31.4% 40.3% -8.9% 10.4% 21.vii%
Arvin Kern 18,809 19.9% 63.5% 14.0% +49.five% four.6% 19.8%
Bakersfield Kern 339,761 45.1% 36.2% 41.ane% -4.ix% vi.9% 18.7%
California Metropolis Kern 13,684 37.7% 33.0% 37.six% 11.7% 22.9%
Delano Kern 52,342 22.6% 64.two% eighteen.3% +45.nine% 3.4% xv.v%
Maricopa Kern 1,280 36.0% 23.0% 47.1% -24.ane% xv.six% 21.0%
McFarland Kern 12,530 23.1% 59.2% xix.1% +40.1% 4.1% 19.3%
Ridgecrest Kern 27,587 49.two% 22.9% 49.v% -26.6% nine.4% 22.i%
Shafter Kern sixteen,709 29.3% 47.8% 31.1% +16.7% five.7% 17.ix%
Taft Kern 9,413 32.2% 22.6% 53.7% -31.ane% 8.7% 18.8%
Tehachapi Kern xiv,332 28.iii% 25.v% 45.8% -20.3% ten.7% 22.five%
Wasco Kern 25,457 21.7% 52.eight% 26.5% +26.iii% 5.0% 17.8%
Avenal Kings 15,705 10.7% 53.7% 26.7% +27.0% 5.3% xvi.4%
Corcoran Kings 25,113 17.1% 57.4% 26.iii% +31.1% 4.8% 13.four%
Hanford Kings 53,159 41.1% 33.9% 47.0% -13.1% 6.five% 15.2%
Lemoore Kings 24,217 39.two% 31.9% 46.2% -14.3% seven.two% 17.viii%
Clearlake Lake 15,134 45.8% 45.three% eighteen.0% +27.3% 11.ii% 29.7%
Lakeport Lake 4,799 56.5% 38.2% 32.v% +5.7% nine.8% 23.1%
Susanville Lassen 17,728 25.2% 26.7% 44.1% -17.4% 12.v% 22.0%
Agoura Hills Los Angeles 20,353 lxx.3% forty.1% 33.8% +half dozen.iii% xi.5% 17.4%
Alhambra Los Angeles 83,301 45.4% 47.4% nineteen.ane% +28.3% x.9% 24.4%
Arcadia Los Angeles 57,251 49.half-dozen% 29.7% thirty.ix% -1.two% three.4% 36.1%
Artesia Los Angeles 16,495 44.1% 46.ix% 24.2% 9.eight% xx.7%
Avalon Los Angeles 3,690 46.6% 38.7% 34.9% +3.viii% 12.0% 17.1%
Azusa Los Angeles 46,177 40.ane% 46.viii% 25.2% +21.6% 11.nine% 18.7%
Baldwin Park Los Angeles 75,441 38.nine% 54.5% 17.0% +37.5% 10.ii% 20.two%
Bong Los Angeles 35,602 31.half dozen% 61.7% 12.1% +49.half dozen% ix.two% 18.3%
Bell Gardens Los Angeles 42,294 30.6% 61.v% 11.ii% +50.3% 9.6% 19.4%
Bellflower Los Angeles 76,243 44.two% 51.5% 22.4% +29.i% 11.iv% 17.2%
Beverly Hills Los Angeles 34,042 66.0% 45.three% 24.7% +20.6% 10.1% 21.eight%
Bradbury Los Angeles 932 67.8% 24.5% 48.7% -24.2% 8.i% 20.7%
Burbank Los Angeles 103,037 59.4% 44.2% 26.7% +17.five% 12.5% 19.0%
Calabasas Los Angeles 22,839 67.8% 43.2% 31.0% +12.ii% x.nine% 17.2%
Carson Los Angeles 91,508 58.3% 60.7% xiv.eight% +45.nine% 8.5% 17.8%
Cerritos Los Angeles 49,281 64.viii% 28.v% +11.1% eight.v% 25.0%
Claremont Los Angeles 34,824 66.0% 45.0% thirty.4% +14.six% 10.vii% xvi.0%
Commerce Los Angeles 12,791 49.0% 67.0% 11.0% +56.0% eight.5% 15.0%
Compton Los Angeles 96,102 47.2% 73.0% 6.viii% +66.2% 9.2% 12.8%
Covina Los Angeles 47,662 53.six% 42.five% 32.5% +10.0% eleven.four% 16.4%
Cudahy Los Angeles 23,846 28.1% 61.nine% eleven.half-dozen% +50.three% 18.i%
Culver City Los Angeles 38,899 69.4% 57.0% 15.9% 11.2% 18.1%
Diamond Bar Los Angeles 55,668 58.0% 34.5% 31.vii% +2.8% 10.5% 25.5%
Downey Los Angeles 111,329 48.3% 50.1% 25.8% +24.three% x.3% xvi.0%
Duarte Los Angeles 21,363 55.ix% 47.6% 26.five% +21.1% 9.9% 18.3%
El Monte Los Angeles 113,763 50.nine% 17.1% +33.viii% 11.i% 23.1%
El Segundo Los Angeles sixteen,597 68.8% 33.5% 37.3% -3.8% thirteen.2% 18.9%
Gardena Los Angeles 58,743 51.8% 62.8% 15.5% +47.3% 8.5% 15.0%
Glendale Los Angeles 192,069 l.6% xl.7% 27.5% +xiii.2% 11.5% 22.six%
Glendora Los Angeles 50,000 63.half dozen% thirty.1% 46.0% -15.ix% x.vii% sixteen.1%
Hawaiian Gardens Los Angeles fourteen,309 32.two% 53.8% 17.0% +36.viii% 10.8% 20.6%
Hawthorne Los Angeles 84,293 42.eight% 61.vii% thirteen.3% +48.4% 10.6% xvi.four%
Hermosa Beach Los Angeles 19,422 70.4% 35.4% 32.5% +2.9% 13.7% 20.9%
Hidden Hills Los Angeles ii,370 59.0% 38.2% +0.five% 9.8% xv.half-dozen%
Huntington Park Los Angeles 58,465 28.5% 11.0% +53.1% ix.4%
Industry Los Angeles 518 19.vii% 25.5% 53.ix% -28.4% 9.8%
Inglewood Los Angeles 109,967 49.viii% 74.1% vi.1% +68.0% 8.six% 12.8%
Irwindale Los Angeles ane,525 61.0% 62.four% fifteen.5% +46.9% 10.i% 15.0%
La Cañada Flintridge Los Angeles 20,248 73.2% 30.0% 46.i% -16.i% 8.5% 17.2%
La Habra Heights Los Angeles v,304 72.9% 23.1% 53.5% -30.four% ix.eight% 16.0%
La Mirada Los Angeles 48,363 57.0% 38.2% 37.9% +0.3% 10.2% sixteen.three%
La Puente Los Angeles 39,957 39.5% 58.6% 15.9% +42.7% 9.9% 17.v%
La Verne Los Angeles 31,139 66.5% 34.iv% 43.0% -8.6% ten.3% 14.ix%
Lakewood Los Angeles 79,994 lx.vii% 44.5% xxx.9% +13.6% 10.9% sixteen.4%
Lancaster Los Angeles 152,678 46.0% 39.9% 35.4% +4.five% 14.4% 14.2%
Lawndale Los Angeles 32,652 40.8% 54.0% 17.viii% +36.ii% 11.5% xix.1%
Lomita Los Angeles xx,246 56.4% 41.eight% 32.1% +nine.7% 11.half-dozen% 17.ii%
Long Beach Los Angeles 462,197 54.two% 51.5% 21.i% +30.4% 13.2% 16.6%
Los Angeles Los Angeles 3,782,544 48.0% 56.i% 15.9% +forty.2% 12.1% 18.0%
Lynwood Los Angeles 69,818 34.7% 66.5% 9.4% +57.i% 9.4% 16.four%
Malibu Los Angeles 12,746 72.3% 42.2% 29.iv% +12.viii% 11.nine% 19.1%
Manhattan Beach Los Angeles 34,986 72.ane% 35.8% 37.8% -2.0% 11.0% 17.7%
Maywood Los Angeles 27,454 30.4% 62.iii% 10.1% +52.two% ix.1% 19.8%
Monrovia Los Angeles 36,622 56.9% 41.4% 32.2% +nine.2% eleven.2% 17.7%
Montebello Los Angeles 62,470 47.1% 59.0% 16.7% +42.iii% ix.2% 16.7%
Monterey Park Los Angeles 60,251 46.3% 44.7% xix.0% +25.7% nine.three% 28.5%
Norwalk Los Angeles 105,348 54.3% 19.ix% +34.4% 10.i% 17.8%
Palmdale Los Angeles 149,001 45.2% 44.5% 30.6% +thirteen.9% 13.1% xv.2%
Palos Verdes Estates Los Angeles 13,412 77.ane% 25.4% 51.6% -26.2% viii.7% 16.four%
Paramount Los Angeles 54,196 36.iv% 61.3% 13.5% +47.8% ten.three% 16.8%
Pasadena Los Angeles 136,807 58.2% 49.7% 23.2% +26.5% 11.five%
Pico Rivera Los Angeles 63,004 51.5% 61.9% 15.8% +46.1% 8.5% 15.4%
Pomona Los Angeles 148,946 39.3% 52.ane% xx.two% +31.9% 12.3% 17.half dozen%
Rancho Palos Verdes Los Angeles 41,575 69.4% 31.7% 42.8% -11.i% 9.1% 18.4%
Redondo Beach Los Angeles 66,397 66.6% 38.0% 31.four% +6.6% xiii.4% 19.8%
Rolling Hills Los Angeles 1,790 85.9% 19.three% 57.ane% -37.eight% x.ii% 16.3%
Rolling Hills Estates Los Angeles 8,040 74.six% 28.i% 49.9% -21.8% eight.2% xv.5%
Rosemead Los Angeles 53,725 38.five% 45.2% 17.4% +27.8% eleven.five% 28.2%
San Dimas Los Angeles 33,523 64.4% 34.2% -seven.5% 11.0% 16.0%
San Fernando Los Angeles 23,638 38.6% threescore.9% 12.v% +48.4% 11.i% 17.2%
San Gabriel Los Angeles 39,703 41.8% 41.four% 22.viii% +18.6% 10.eight% 26.8%
San Marino Los Angeles xiii,131 67.ix% 22.7% 42.i% -19.iv% 7.eight% 28.nine%
Santa Clarita Los Angeles 173,993 60.iv% 33.vii% 40.8% -seven.1% 12.ane% 16.five%
Santa Fe Springs Los Angeles 16,333 58.v% 57.v% 20.five% +37.0% eight.7% fifteen.3%
Santa Monica Los Angeles 89,153 72.9% 53.7% 15.four% +38.iii% 13.v% 19.6%
Sierra Madre Los Angeles 10,881 75.eight% 38.0% 36.8% +1.two% xi.0% xvi.7%
Signal Hill Los Angeles 10,842 56.v% l.7% 21.six% +29.1% 12.9% 17.six%
Southward El Monte Los Angeles 20,197 35.7% 57.9% 13.4% +44.5% 9.ii% 21.4%
South Gate Los Angeles 94,586 37.7% 62.6% 12.5% +l.1% 9.ii% 17.iii%
South Pasadena Los Angeles 25,465 65.iv% 45.half-dozen% 24.i% +21.5% 11.6% 20.viii%
Temple City Los Angeles 35,372 50.7% 35.three% 28.4% +6.nine% x.6%
Torrance Los Angeles 144,622 58.2% 37.1% 35.5% +1.half dozen% 10.3% 19.3%
Vernon Los Angeles 112[5] 69.6% -9.0% 26.9% 23.ane%
Walnut Los Angeles 29,269 62.2% 33.2% 28.0% +5.ii% 10.3% thirty.3%
West Covina Los Angeles 105,810 51.0% 46.7% 25.ix% +twenty.eight% 10.8% xviii.9%
W Hollywood Los Angeles 34,564 76.3% 60.5% 9.9% +50.6% 12.nine% xviii.8%
Westlake Hamlet Los Angeles 8,276 77.three% 31.nine% 42.ane% -10.2% 11.6% 16.8%
Whittier Los Angeles 85,161 54.2% 44.1% 33.2% +10.ix% x.4% 14.8%
Chowchilla Madera 18,465 22.five% xxx.8% 45.1% -fourteen.3% ix.0% xviii.eight%
Madera Madera 60,221 26.8% 44.ix% 33.1% +11.8% six.2% 18.iv%
Belvedere Marin 2,118 72.0% 38.2% 34.ane% +iv.1% half-dozen.six% 23.ix%
Corte Madera Marin 9,191 65.6% 55.vii% sixteen.9% +38.8% half-dozen.3% 23.3%
Fairfax Marin 7,410 73.2% 64.iv% seven.1% +57.3% 21.1%
Larkspur Marin 11,870 69.eight% 54.7% 18.iv% +36.3% 5.half dozen% 23.2%
Manufactory Valley Marin 13,810 71.i% 61.5% 12.3% +49.2% 5.3% 22.6%
Novato Marin 51,206 57.9% 49.6% 23.3% +26.three% 7.7% 22.3%
Ross Marin 2,079 eighty.3% 42.ix% 30.1% +12.8% 5.8% 23.five%
San Anselmo Marin 12,273 69.8% 62.0% 11.6% +50.4% 7.4% 21.0%
San Rafael Marin 57,374 51.v% 55.1% 17.9% +37.2% 6.3%
Sausalito Marin 7,047 75.3% 52.ane% xv.8% +36.3%
Tiburon Marin 8,895 67.8% 46.0% 25.0% +21.0% 5.4% 25.vii%
Fort Bragg Mendocino 7,211 45.five% 51.0% 17.9% +33.1% 12.5% 22.4%
Signal Arena Mendocino 439 57.2% 51.8% 10.4% +41.four% 17.9% 24.7%
Ukiah Mendocino fifteen,979 47.8% 47.0% +23.4% 9.9% 22.v%
Willits Mendocino four,896 51.9% 45.9% twenty.7% +25.ii% thirteen.4% 24.1%
Atwater Merced 27,922 41.0% 39.4% 37.4% +2.0% 8.ii% 18.3%
Dos Palos Merced iv,940 38.0% 44.4% 35.0% +9.4% ix.nine% 14.nine%
Gustine Merced five,484 38.three% 48.two% 30.3% +17.nine% 7.7% 17.0%
Livingston Merced 12,899 34.half-dozen% 62.2% xv.nine% +46.3% 4.ix% 18.ix%
Los Banos Merced 35,252 37.half dozen% 50.i% 27.6% +22.5% 7.eight%
Merced Merced 78,111 41.0% 46.4% xxx.2% +16.2% 8.2% 18.3%
Alturas Modoc 2,813 54.7% 31.0% 42.4% -11.4% 12.ix% 19.5%
Mammoth Lakes Mono 8,081 36.v% 35.0% 29.3% +5.vii% 10.3% 29.i%
Carmel-by-the-Sea Monterey 3,728 74.viii% 40.5% 33.6% +half-dozen.9% eight.eight% twenty.4%
Del Rey Oaks Monterey 1,734 65.ane% 47.9% 26.4% +21.v% six.6% 21.8%
Gonzales Monterey 8,074 34.six% 66.8% 14.0% +52.eight% 5.4% fifteen.9%
Greenfield Monterey fifteen,864 26.iii% seventy.3% xi.6% +58.7% 3.3% 16.0%
King Metropolis Monterey 12,629 58.7% 22.6% +36.ane% 4.ane% 16.2%
Marina Monterey 19,636 46.4% 48.two% 21.8% +26.4% 7.9% 25.1%
Monterey Monterey 27,861 49.8% 47.4% 24.6% +22.8% seven.1% 23.four%
Pacific Grove Monterey 14,995 64.0% 49.1% +25.5% 7.half-dozen% 22.3%
Salinas Monterey 148,780 34.ane% 60.2% 18.8% +41.4% iv.half-dozen% 18.2%
Sand City Monterey 292 51.0% 37.6% 24.8% +12.eight% 14.1% 29.5%
Seaside Monterey 32,735 35.6% eighteen.ix% +35.ii% half dozen.7% 22.9%
Soledad Monterey 25,548 nineteen.five% 67.9% 11.iv% +56.v% iv.0% xviii.1%
American Canyon Napa eighteen,489 49.nine% 18.0% +34.1% 7.4% 25.4%
Calistoga Napa five,159 43.7% 52.2% 21.5% +30.vii% 9.5% 20.5%
Napa Napa 76,560 fifty.7% 47.8% 26.2% +21.half dozen% xx.4%
St. Helena Napa 5,838 56.viii% 46.8% 26.half-dozen% +twenty.2% 6.1% 22.6%
Yountville Napa 2,943 68.5% 47.i% 25.9% +21.2% ten.2% 20.viii%
Grass Valley Nevada 12,793 50.4% 36.9% 33.4% +iii.v% ten.7%
Nevada Urban center Nevada 3,081 67.2% 44.v% 22.1% +22.4% xiii.iii% 23.7%
Truckee Nevada 16,009 52.8% 39.4% 24.four% +fifteen.0% eleven.4% 28.8%
Aliso Viejo Orange 47,037 51.8% 29.0% 40.6% -11.six% 8.0% 25.5%
Anaheim Orange 335,057 35.9% 38.2% +2.5% 6.7% 21.nine%
Brea Orange 38,837 55.eight% 28.7% 47.7% -19.0% 6.8% 19.4%
Buena Park Orangish fourscore,214 39.3% 39.4% 33.0% +6.4% 23.5%
Costa Mesa Orangish 109,796 45.2% 30.five% 39.0% -8.5% 24.three%
Cypress Orange 47,610 51.8% 33.2% 40.iii% -7.1% six.iv%
Dana Indicate Orange 33,510 61.iv% 26.two% 47.0% -20.eight% ix.ii% 21.2%
Fountain Valley Orange 55,209 56.four% 28.v% 46.1% -17.6% half-dozen.3% 21.four%
Fullerton Orange 134,079 46.5% 32.8% 38.ix% -6.1% 6.9% 23.8%
Garden Grove Orange 170,148 38.0% 35.6% 37.0% -ane.4% 6.5% 23.3%
Huntington Embankment Orangish 189,744 57.7% 27.9% 45.6% 7.ix% 21.6%
Irvine Orange 205,057 50.eight% 32.2% 33.half dozen% -1.4% vi.5% 30.ane%
La Habra Orange 60,117 38.8% 37.6% +0.1% seven.half dozen% 20.0%
La Palma Orange fifteen,536 49.iii% 35.9% 37.7% -ane.8% 5.7% 22.9%
Laguna Beach Orangish 22,808 71.7% 37.3% 35.3% +2.0% 8.7% 21.8%
Laguna Hills Orange xxx,477 55.7% 26.iv% 46.7% -xx.iii% 7.ii% 22.3%
Laguna Niguel Orange 62,855 59.6% 26.7% 47.3% -xx.6% 7.5% 21.5%
Laguna Woods Orange 16,276 lxxx.5% 38.1% xl.1% -2.0% 6.2% eighteen.2%
Lake Woods Orange 77,111 51.0% 27.ii% 46.iv% -19.2% seven.8% 21.half dozen%
Los Alamitos Orange xi,442 51.5% 41.4% -7.7% 8.2% 19.8%
Mission Viejo Orange 93,076 59.ii% 26.4% 48.eight% -22.4% vii.1% 20.5%
Newport Beach Orangish 84,417 65.half-dozen% 20.vii% 55.5% -34.8% six.eight% 19.7%
Orangish Orange 135,582 46.5% xxx.1% 45.0% -xiv.9% vii.iv% 20.iii%
Placentia Orange 50,089 48.9% 45.7% -16.i% half dozen.9% 20.four%
Rancho Santa Margarita Orangish 47,769 53.6% 24.iii% 49.3% -25.0% 7.iii% 22.0%
San Clemente Orangish 62,052 59.9% 23.2% l.five% -27.3% 8.7% 21.0%
San Juan Capistrano Orange 34,455 50.eight% 26.4% 49.5% -23.ane% vii.viii% 19.ii%
Santa Ana Orange 325,517 26.viii% 53.four% 22.6% +30.8% 5.2% twenty.six%
Seal Embankment Orange 24,157 68.9% 34.0% 44.vii% 6.nine% 17.i%
Stanton Orangish 38,141 thirty.8% 41.2% 31.5% +nine.7% half-dozen.8% 22.nine%
Tustin Orange 74,625 40.2% 32.5% 38.2% -v.7% vii.0% 24.8%
Villa Park Orangish five,825 71.9% 17.6% 64.iv% -46.eight% four.three% 15.4%
Westminster Orangish 89,440 42.7% 31.3% 39.eight% -eight.5% vii.0% 24.five%
Yorba Linda Orange 63,578 63.vii% 21.five% 56.v% -35.0% 6.iii% 18.2%
Auburn Placer 13,476 63.8% 30.9% 41.7% -10.viii% 7.4% 22.three%
Colfax Placer 1,999 46.2% 28.3% 37.6% -ix.3% 11.8% 26.vii%
Lincoln Placer 40,177 61.5% 29.1% 48.iii% -19.2% 5.7% 19.1%
Loomis Placer 6,511 64.5% 23.7% 51.6% -27.9% 6.four% 20.3%
Rocklin Placer 55,713 58.1% 47.8% -21.2% vii.0% 20.8%
Roseville Placer 116,613 58.8% 29.3% 45.8% -sixteen.5% vi.2% 21.0%
Portola Plumas iii,069 33.6% 33.1% 32.9% +0.two% 17.0% 24.two%
Banning Riverside 29,414 42.9% 38.nine% 40.8% -1.9% eight.2% fifteen.4%
Beaumont Riverside 34,737 46.iv% 33.6% 40.8% -seven.2% ten.3% nineteen.4%
Blythe Riverside 21,102 23.1% 40.3% 36.0% +four.3% 9.ii% 18.3%
Calimesa Riverside 7,923 53.7% 29.0% 48.8% -nineteen.viii% ten.1% 16.2%
Canyon Lake Riverside ten,663 57.3% xix.9% 57.five% -37.half dozen% 9.7% sixteen.8%
Cathedral Urban center Riverside 51,130 37.half dozen% 46.9% 31.8% +15.i% vi.ii% 17.v%
Coachella Riverside 39,442 25.0% 72.1% thirteen.ane% +59.0% two.9% 12.eight%
Corona Riverside 152,111 43.0% 32.9% 43.three% -ten.4% seven.2% nineteen.2%
Desert Hot Springs Riverside 25,793 35.5% 44.0% +11.3% viii.3% xviii.0%
Eastvale Riverside 53,437 40.6% 38.0% 34.2% +3.8% 6.9% 23.6%
Hemet Riverside 77,752 44.eight% 34.0% 42.4% -eight.four% 9.3%
Indian Wells Riverside 4,937 59.8% 19.0% 62.7% -43.7% 6.five% 14.4%
Indio Riverside 74,402 39.7% 47.9% 33.0% +14.9% six.0% 15.4%
Jurupa Valley[annotation 2] Riverside 57,464 58.iv% xl.ane% 37.1% +three.0% seven.i% eighteen.three%
La Quinta Riverside 36,600 52.8% thirty.6% 47.4% -16.8% 8.i% 17.2%
Lake Elsinore Riverside 50,405 38.1% 33.8% 36.8% -3.0% 9.7% 23.iv%
Menifee Riverside 75,023 52.0% 31.1% 44.two% -13.1% 9.half dozen% xix.0%
Moreno Valley Riverside 190,977 43.five% 48.i% 33.5% +xiv.6% 5.6% 14.eight%
Murrieta Riverside 99,476 48.eight% 25.iii% 48.two% -22.nine% 9.2% 20.eight%
Norco Riverside 27,131 45.0% 25.2% 52.5% -27.3% 8.2% 17.2%
Palm Desert Riverside 48,769 31.v% 45.8% -14.3% vii.6% 18.1%
Palm Springs Riverside 45,045 53.7% fifty.9% +24.2% vii.3% 17.9%
Perris Riverside 65,993 36.3% 54.2% 27.8% +26.4% 5.ane% 14.6%
Rancho Mirage Riverside 17,022 58.8% 33.2% 45.3% -12.ane% 5.8% 18.0%
Riverside Riverside 303,569 44.0% 38.five% 39.0% -0.5% seven.v% 17.half-dozen%
San Jacinto Riverside 42,722 38.0% 36.5% 38.6% -ii.1% 9.3% nineteen.1%
Temecula Riverside 98,189 48.0% 25.2% 47.6% -22.4% 9.7% 21.four%
Wildomar Riverside 31,452 47.4% 26.8% 45.4% -18.6% 10.three% 21.four%
Citrus Heights Sacramento 84,112 50.4% 34.4% 41.4% -7.0% 9.5% 18.4%
Elk Grove Sacramento 146,537 53.5% 43.5% 32.0% +11.5% vii.0% twenty.4%
Folsom Sacramento 70,564 51.7% 44.3% -14.7% 7.9% 21.5%
Galt Sacramento 23,393 43.2% 35.3% forty.2% -iv.9% 9.1% 19.2%
Isleton Sacramento 702 47.9% 52.4% 22.nine% +29.five% 8.0% twenty.v%
Rancho Cordova Sacramento 64,072 49.0% 43.i% 33.ii% +ix.9% 7.5% 19.0%
Sacramento Sacramento 463,537 47.5% 52.iv% 21.ix% +30.5% 7.1% 21.ane%
Hollister San Benito 34,733 43.8% 53.6% 23.2% +30.iv% 6.3% 19.4%
San Juan Bautista San Benito one,619 59.8% l.eight% 23.0% +27.viii% 9.viii% 20.4%
Adelanto San Bernardino xxx,670 29.8% 48.8% 21.7% 11.1% 23.2%
Apple tree Valley San Bernardino 68,316 52.3% 29.1% 46.ane% -17.0% 11.five% 18.four%
Barstow San Bernardino 22,913 37.2% 41.five% 29.0% +12.5% 11.0% 23.3%
Big Bear Lake San Bernardino 5,109 56.vii% 23.9% 51.6% -27.7% x.viii% 17.9%
Chino San Bernardino 78,050 42.0% 39.two% 36.ix% +2.iii% 7.ane% xix.8%
Chino Hills San Bernardino 74,765 31.8% 40.6% -8.eight% 6.9% 23.4%
Colton San Bernardino 52,283 38.ix% 49.9% 25.4% +24.5% 7.five% 20.2%
Fontana San Bernardino 192,779 38.2% 48.6% +23.nine% vii.0% 22.5%
Grand Terrace San Bernardino 12,132 54.nine% 37.0% 39.3% -2.3% viii.1% eighteen.nine%
Hesperia San Bernardino 88,247 41.7% 34.3% 38.ii% -3.9% x.9% 21.2%
Highland San Bernardino 52,777 45.5% 38.4% 37.4% +1.0% viii.0% xix.v%
Hill Linda San Bernardino 23,081 46.2% 32.9% 36.iii% -3.iv% 8.5% 25.8%
Montclair San Bernardino 36,802 35.8% fifty.2% 23.v% 7.1% 21.8%
Needles San Bernardino 4,910 39.1% xl.8% 28.vii% 13.viii% 22.8%
Ontario San Bernardino 165,120 36.7% 46.9% 28.five% +18.4% 7.1% 20.3%
Rancho Cucamonga San Bernardino 163,151 53.8% 35.half dozen% 39.v% -3.ix% eight.0% 20.3%
Redlands San Bernardino 68,995 56.1% 33.9% 42.4% -eight.5% 8.ix% 18.four%
Rialto San Bernardino 99,501 39.6% 52.0% 23.7% +28.iii% 6.9% twenty.1%
San Bernardino San Bernardino 210,100 36.eight% 46.5% 29.v% +17.0% seven.7% 19.4%
Twentynine Palms San Bernardino 25,786 22.1% 27.5% 41.1% -13.6% xi.1% 24.9%
Upland San Bernardino 74,021 52.0% 35.4% 40.7% -5.3% 7.half-dozen% 19.3%
Victorville San Bernardino 111,704 38.iv% 43.5% 29.6% +thirteen.nine% ten.0% 21.ane%
Yucaipa San Bernardino 50,862 54.1% 27.5% 48.nine% -21.4% x.4% 17.5%
Yucca Valley San Bernardino 20,508 48.0% 28.ane% 45.3% -17.ii% 11.four% twenty.ane%
Carlsbad San Diego 102,342 64.7% 28.0% 42.0% -14.0% 8.5% 24.9%
Chula Vista San Diego 236,218 48.2% 42.0% 27.vii% +fourteen.3% 6.9%
Coronado San Diego 19,423 55.0% 24.v% 47.3% -22.viii% 8.0% 23.5%
Del Mar San Diego four,175 77.2% 34.two% 34.7% -0.5% 7.4% 26.7%
El Cajon San Diego 98,813 40.ix% 33.7% 37.4% -3.7% 9.5% 23.2%
Encinitas San Diego 59,223 67.viii% 35.1% 32.8% +two.3% 9.0% 26.four%
Escondido San Diego 142,573 41.8% 28.3% 42.4% -14.1% 9.iii% 23.7%
Imperial Beach San Diego 26,348 42.nine% 37.1% 26.7% +10.four% 10.4% 29.6%
La Mesa San Diego 56,722 58.3% 37.9% 32.v% +5.4% nine.8% 23.6%
Lemon Grove San Diego 25,250 51.2% 44.5% 27.7% +16.viii% 8.4% 22.half-dozen%
National Metropolis San Diego 58,015 32.9% 48.9% 19.five% +29.four% 7.0% 27.2%
Oceanside San Diego 166,139 50.5% 31.6% 37.viii% -6.ii% ix.2%
Poway San Diego 47,762 61.5% 24.8% 45.vii% -20.9% seven.8% 24.viii%
San Diego San Diego 1,296,437 52.6% forty.2% 27.0% +thirteen.ii% 8.2%
San Marcos San Diego eighty,709 48.v% 29.3% twoscore.6% -11.3% 24.8%
Santee San Diego 53,302 59.2% 27.0% 43.9% -xvi.ix% nine.7% 23.2%
Solana Beach San Diego 12,864 68.0% 32.iv% 37.1% -iv.7% 7.4% 26.0%
Vista San Diego 93,293 40.6% 29.9% 39.6% -9.7% 9.iv% 24.8%
San Francisco San Francisco 797,983 62.4% 55.6% 8.6% +47.0% 6.4% 31.1%
Escalon San Joaquin 7,106 51.3% 31.0% 47.1% -16.ane% nine.0% 16.5%
Lathrop San Joaquin 17,488 xl.i% 49.iii% 25.9% +23.4% 6.nine% 20.v%
Lodi San Joaquin 62,354 45.5% l.2% -19.5% 7.0% 14.9%
Manteca San Joaquin 66,081 46.0% 39.0% 37.3% +1.vii% viii.9% 18.3%
Ripon San Joaquin 14,021 56.0% 24.four% 54.9% -30.5% 8.0%
Stockton San Joaquin 289,926 41.7% 52.7% thirty.0% +22.7% v.iii% 14.0%
Tracy San Joaquin 81,115 41.7% 44.iii% 30.two% +xiv.ane% 7.four% 21.1%
Arroyo Grande San Luis Obispo 17,132 65.5% 34.2% 41.viii% -seven.6% 8.1%
Atascadero San Luis Obispo 28,194 58.nine% 30.8% 43.9% 8.2% 19.8%
El Paso de Robles (Paso Robles) San Luis Obispo 29,270 29.6% 45.three% -15.7% 8.2% 19.9%
Grover Beach San Luis Obispo 13,175 50.6% 37.3% 34.0% +3.3% nine.3% 22.5%
Morro Bay San Luis Obispo 10,263 68.iv% 39.v% 31.6% +7.ix% nine.5% 22.two%
Pismo Beach San Luis Obispo seven,753 70.iv% 32.2% 41.5% -9.3% 8.9% 20.3%
San Luis Obispo San Luis Obispo 45,130 59.2% 40.0% 29.i% +10.9% 9.0% 24.6%
Atherton San Mateo 6,883 72.7% 31.9% 41.1% -9.2% five.1% 23.viii%
Belmont San Mateo 25,568 59.4% 49.4% 20.eight% 6.3% 25.8%
Brisbane San Mateo iv,179 57.8% 54.9% 12.8% 7.0% 27.five%
Burlingame San Mateo 28,514 48.5% 22.3% +26.ii% 5.8% 25.6%
Colma San Mateo 1,785 35.0% 59.i% 10.6% +48.5% half dozen.7% 26.0%
Daly City San Mateo 100,556 38.8% 55.6% 12.3% +43.3% 4.9% 29.0%
East Palo Alto San Mateo 28,077 thirty.3% 64.four% viii.7% +55.7% four.nine% 23.5%
Foster City San Mateo 30,133 51.3% 45.2% 21.2% +24.0% 4.half dozen% thirty.7%
Half Moon Bay San Mateo xi,228 58.iii% 47.iii% 22.6% +24.vii% 7.7% 24.9%
Hillsborough San Mateo x,748 66.9% 31.eight% 39.v% -vii.vii% 5.two% 25.5%
Menlo Park San Mateo 31,669 57.1% l.6% 21.v% +29.1% iv.8% 24.7%
Millbrae San Mateo 21,275 54.0% 47.9% twenty.9% +27.0% 5.8%
Pacifica San Mateo 37,043 61.5% 55.four% xv.viii% +39.6% 7.6% 23.9%
Portola Valley San Mateo 4,326 76.i% 44.7% 29.2% +15.5% 5.4% 22.four%
Redwood City San Mateo 76,031 47.6% twenty.vii% +thirty.0% 5.ix% 24.eight%
San Bruno San Mateo forty,677 49.iv% 56.0% 15.viii% +40.2% 6.2% 24.three%
San Carlos San Mateo 28,130 66.ii% 48.2% 24.2% +24.0% 6.ii% 23.eight%
San Mateo San Mateo 95,957 50.7% 51.2% 20.ii% +31.0% 6.0% 24.nine%
South San Francisco San Mateo 62,822 44.6% 57.4% thirteen.4% +44.0% 5.2% 26.0%
Woodside San Mateo v,263 74.3% 36.9% 34.4% +2.5% 6.0% 25.0%
Buellton Santa Barbara four,712 54.iii% 33.1% 41.7% -viii.half dozen% vii.3% twenty.iv%
Carpinteria Santa Barbara xiii,106 47.3% 26.3% +21.0% 8.2% xx.9%
Goleta Santa Barbara 29,634 54.i% 44.3% 27.nine% +16.4% 7.ane% 22.8%
Guadalupe Santa Barbara 6,901 27.3% 57.ii% 15.3% +41.9% 7.1% 22.6%
Lompoc Santa Barbara 42,178 34.1% 35.5% +2.two% 9.1% 21.1%
Santa Barbara Santa Barbara 88,192 52.2% 50.8% 20.4% +xxx.four% viii.1% 23.1%
Santa Maria Santa Barbara 96,803 27.8% 40.3% 33.v% +vi.8% vii.5% 21.4%
Solvang Santa Barbara 5,237 58.iii% thirty.two% 46.five% -16.3% 7.3% 18.six%
Campbell Santa Clara 39,108 53.4% 45.3% 23.8% +21.5% 7.iii% 26.ii%
Cupertino Santa Clara 57,459 48.2% 37.0% twenty.0% +17.0% iv.0% forty.4%
Gilroy Santa Clara 47,808 42.7% 48.5% 25.ii% +23.three% 6.8% 22.1%
Los Altos Santa Clara 28,752 67.4% 41.5% 29.4% +12.i% iv.three% 26.ii%
Los Altos Hills Santa Clara 7,912 73.six% 34.ix% 33.half-dozen% +one.3% 4.three% 28.7%
Los Gatos Santa Clara 29,165 65.0% 41.0% 31.v% +9.v% 6.two% 23.7%
Milpitas Santa Clara 66,038 twoscore.4% 42.v% 19.ii% +23.3% 5.3% 35.0%
Monte Sereno Santa Clara 3,338 73.7% 37.1% 36.9% +0.ii% 6.1% 22.3%
Morgan Hill Santa Clara 37,278 52.six% twoscore.9% 32.0% +eight.nine% 6.9% 23.0%
Mount View Santa Clara 73,394 46.0% 49.ane% xvi.iv% +32.vii% v.3% thirty.8%
Palo Alto Santa Clara 63,475 59.7% 52.six% 15.5% +37.1% iii.eight% 29.2%
San Jose Santa Clara 939,688 44.half dozen% 46.8% 20.6% +26.2% 6.0% 28.viii%
Santa Clara Santa Clara 114,482 41.9% 46.5% 19.9% +26.6%
Saratoga Santa Clara 29,781 66.8% 34.2% 31.5% +ii.7% 3.9% 31.8%
Sunnyvale Santa Clara 138,436 41.1% 45.0% 19.9% +25.1% 5.0% 31.8%
Capitola Santa Cruz nine,864 64.7% 53.8% 17.ane% +36.7% 8.8% 22.viii%
Santa Cruz Santa Cruz 59,022 58.viii% eight.nine% +49.9% 9.2% 25.ane%
Scotts Valley Santa Cruz xi,480 66.vii% thirty.five% +11.6% 8.7%
Watsonville Santa Cruz l,291 32.0% 64.2% 12.4% +51.8% five.3% nineteen.8%
Anderson Shasta ix,927 45.i% 30.7% 38.eight% -8.1% eleven.4% 24.0%
Redding Shasta 89,674 53.iv% 26.5% 46.7% -20.ii% 8.6% 21.5%
Shasta Lake Shasta x,121 51.0% 29.5% 39.1% -ix.6% 10.nine% 24.vii%
Loyalton Sierra 890 49.1% 32.iii% -6.four% xiv.half-dozen% nineteen.9%
Dorris Siskiyou 872 42.five% 30.5% 42.3% -11.8% 8.four% 22.4%
Dunsmuir Siskiyou 1,663 56.two% 41.5% 24.5% +17.0% xiii.7% 24.6%
Etna Siskiyou 721 58.5% 29.1% 46.0% -16.9% nine.vii% 18.7%
Fort Jones Siskiyou 595 63.5% thirty.4% 44.4% -14.0% 10.ane% xviii.viii%
Montague Siskiyou 1,510 47.eight% 24.8% 44.6% -xix.viii% 12.3% 23.8%
Mountain Shasta Siskiyou 3,411 59.8% 42.half-dozen% 25.3% +17.3% 10.4% 25.3%
Tulelake Siskiyou 981 24.ix% 22.five% 54.5% -32.0% 8.half-dozen% 18.4%
Weed Siskiyou two,947 44.8% 45.6% 24.0% +21.6% fourteen.5% 21.7%
Yreka Siskiyou 7,696 52.iii% 30.eight% 42.five% -11.7% 11.0% 20.iii%
Benicia Solano 26,981 68.1% 47.2% 25.3% +21.9% 8.four% 22.1%
Dixon Solano 18,141 38.8% 35.4% +3.iv% vii.iii% 21.4%
Fairfield Solano 104,404 48.1% 48.7% 24.4% +24.3% 6.8% 22.7%
Rio Vista Solano 7,088 72.six% 42.7% 33.nine% +viii.eight% 9.0% xviii.2%
Suisun City Solano 27,900 49.1% 52.iv% xx.2% +32.ii% vii.0% 23.2%
Vacaville Solano 92,217 50.ane% 39.half dozen% 33.two% +6.four% 8.5% 22.1%
Vallejo Solano 116,021 48.eight% 59.nine% 14.5% +45.4% 6.i% 21.viii%
Cloverdale Sonoma eight,390 51.8% 49.1% 24.7% +24.4% 7.9% 21.i%
Cotati Sonoma vii,154 57.4% 52.8% 17.eight% +35.0% x.iii% 22.4%
Healdsburg Sonoma 11,161 56.v% +xxx.ix% 7.v% 20.half dozen%
Petaluma Sonoma 57,265 57.5% 52.3% xx.5% +31.8% 7.8% 22.0%
Rohnert Park Sonoma forty,741 fifty.i% 49.6% 21.3% +28.iii% eight.8% 23.2%
Santa Rosa Sonoma 164,976 50.9% 52.1% 21.iv% +thirty.7% 7.7% 21.4%
Sebastopol Sonoma 7,359 69.6% 61.iv% 11.4% +l.0% nine.8% 19.5%
Sonoma Sonoma 10,430 65.0% 51.2% 22.8% +28.4% 8.1% 20.8%
Windsor Sonoma 26,229 54.4% 27.5% +19.1% seven.five%
Ceres Stanislaus 44,731 42.half-dozen% 46.4% 33.0% +xiii.iv% 7.ane% 16.i%
Hughson Stanislaus half dozen,425 50.8% 32.2% 44.eight% -12.6% eight.4% 17.8%
Modesto Stanislaus 201,886 48.6% 41.9% 37.5% +4.4% vii.7% 15.7%
Newman Stanislaus 9,989 37.4% 42.9% 33.iv% +ix.5% 8.7% 18.ii%
Oakdale Stanislaus twenty,364 31.2% 45.0% -13.eight% 9.nine% 17.6%
Patterson Stanislaus xix,697 39.4% 49.ix% 25.7% +24.2% viii.two% 19.3%
Riverbank Stanislaus 22,198 41.nine% 39.9% 36.7% +iii.2% 18.6%
Turlock Stanislaus 67,953 44.9% 38.iv% 39.3% -0.9% seven.6% 17.iii%
Waterford Stanislaus 8,395 41.2% 41.ix% -10.2% 21.0%
Live Oak Sutter 8,244 35.9% 44.5% 29.9% +14.6% 8.9% 19.6%
Yuba City Sutter 64,224 42.half-dozen% 34.2% 41.3% -7.1% 9.2% eighteen.7%
Corning Tehama 7,624 33.8% 35.2% 35.i% +0.1% 11.7% 22.eight%
Reddish Bluff Tehama xiv,026 42.ane% 33.eight% 37.two% -iii.iv% 12.viii%
Tehama Tehama 383 54.3% 35.1% 39.9% -iv.8% 15.4% sixteen.8%
Dinuba Tulare 21,163 thirty.0% 44.iv% 35.4% +9.0% 5.v% 16.9%
Exeter Tulare 10,255 forty.2% 26.9% l.6% -23.7% 9.ix% 16.8%
Farmersville Tulare 10,445 22.four% 46.9% 24.three% +22.half dozen% 8.9% 23.9%
Lindsay Tulare 11,664 20.8% 47.4% 23.eight% 7.7% 24.0%
Porterville Tulare 53,531 29.three% 36.3% 39.iii% -iii.0% 8.vii% xix.3%
Tulare Tulare 58,150 34.9% 35.6% -half-dozen.5% 7.viii% 17.8%
Visalia Tulare 121,882 42.4% 31.1% 46.4% -15.3% eight.5% 17.4%
Woodlake Tulare 7,252 22.4% 52.7% 21.0% +31.7% 7.six% 21.6%
Sonora Tuolumne iv,899 55.0% 38.two% 32.4% +5.8% 22.viii%
Camarillo Ventura 64,340 63.2% 33.1% 43.2% -10.1% 7.eight% 18.6%
Fillmore Ventura fourteen,863 47.0% 27.eight% +19.2% 20.0%
Moorpark Ventura 34,100 58.6% 33.viii% forty.8% -7.0% 7.eight% 20.2%
Ojai Ventura 7,496 65.9% 46.0% 27.three% +18.7% nine.1% 20.ii%
Oxnard Ventura 194,972 36.4% 51.6% 22.five% +29.i% 6.4% 21.v%
Port Hueneme Ventura 21,717 40.4% 47.5% 25.2% +22.3% 21.eight%
San Buenaventura (Ventura) Ventura 105,809 61.1% 42.iv% 32.three% 8.five% nineteen.4%
Santa Paula Ventura 29,248 39.eight% 53.4% 23.7% +29.7% 6.6% 18.v%
Simi Valley Ventura 122,864 57.8% thirty.3% 44.7% -14.four% 8.2% nineteen.6%
Yard Oaks Ventura 125,633 62.four% 31.ix% 41.8% -nine.ix% 8.0% 21.0%
Davis Yolo 65,359 57.half-dozen% 54.0% 14.7% +39.3% seven.1% 26.iii%
West Sacramento Yolo 47,278 48.9% 44.7% 26.0% +18.vii% nine.4% 23.4%
Winters Yolo 6,616 l.iii% 44.8% 27.six% +17.2% 7.8% 22.6%
Woodland Yolo 55,229 46.9% 43.7% 30.4% +xiii.3% viii.2% 20.ix%
Marysville Yuba 12,248 38.ix% 35.0% 37.nine% -ii.nine% nine.half dozen% 21.four%
Wheatland Yuba three,381 47.0% 25.5% 48.2% -22.vii% eleven.3% nineteen.9%

Run across besides [edit]

  • California
  • California locations past criminal offence rate
  • California locations by income
  • California locations by race
  • Politics of California
  • Political party strength in California

Notes [edit]

  1. ^ a b c Percent of registered voters with respect to total population. Percentages of party members with respect to registered voters follow.
  2. ^ Population for this city obtained by summing the populations of Glen Avon, Mira Loma, Pedley, Rubidoux and Sunnyslope; come across Jurupa Valley

References [edit]

  1. ^ The states Census Bureau https://world wide Retrieved eight Baronial 2019.
  2. ^ a b c d e f g h i j k l grand n o p q r "CA-SS". Retrieved 8 August 2019.
  3. ^ array/US/PST045218. Retrieved 8 August 2019.
  4. ^ a b U.Southward. Census Agency. American Community Survey, 2011 American Community Survey 5-Year Estimates. U.S. Census website . Retrieved 2013-10-21.
  5. ^ U.Southward. Census Bureau. 2010 Census Summary File 1, Table P1. U.S. Census website . Retrieved 2013-10-31.


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