California Gun Laws

California gun laws that have been enacted are considered restrictive compared to other United states state laws. Equally a "May Effect" country the issuance of a allow is left entirely up to the discretion of the local sheriff. This can range from no event in mostly urban counties to "shall Effect" in rural counties. Restrictions can be placed on a allow limiting where it tin exist used. Enforcement of these laws varies with rural counties being more lenient and urban counties strictly enforcing all firearms laws. California law also requires all guns to be registered.

california state seal

California CCW Quick Facts

Carry In Vehicle SEE DETAILS

Must Notify Officer SEE DETAILS

Deport In State Parks SEE DETAILS

No Weapons Signs Enforced NO

Open Carry Permitted NO

Bear In Restaurants Yep

Constitutional Carry NO




May Issue

California Handgun Allow

California CCW Dashboard

year License


data updated

Agile CCW


licenses in california

population with

0 %

a ccw license

states that award


a california license

country licenses


california honors

gun laws

State Rating

California Reciprocity Map


California CCW license recognition

  • Let honored
  • Permit not honored
  • Issuing state

California CCW Reciprocity

California Reciprocity List

How Reciprocity Works In California

California will non honor any other states concealed bear permit. There are 24 states that will take a California permit.

california state flag

California CCW Handgun Forms

Download Your Forms

California: Places Off-Limits for CCW

Places Off Limits in California

  • Schoolhouse grounds, colleges and universities
  • Child care facility
  • Courthouse or Court room
  • Public buildings or meetings
  • Social rehabilitation facility
  • Gun testify or consequence if you take armament that fits firearm
  • State Capitol, whatsoever legislative office, any office of the Governor or other constitutional officeholder, or whatever hearing room in which any committee of the Senate or Assembly is conducting a hearing, or upon the grounds of the State Capitol, which is bounded by 10th, L, 15th, and N Streets in the City of Sacramento.
  • State wildlife management areas
  • Polling station - this includes whatsoever person, uniformed peace officer, private guard, or security personnel or any person who is wearing a compatible of a peace officer, guard, or security personnel, who is stationed in the immediate vicinity of, or posted at, a polling identify without written authorisation.
  • Demonstrations related to refusal to work
  • While masked to muffle your identity
  • Any place that serves booze for consumption
  • Cal Expo center in Sacramento
  • Yous may not comport a firearm if you are consuming alcohol
  • Y'all may non brandish a curtained firearm
  • You cannot bear a concealed weapon not listed on the allow
  • Y'all cannot acquit a curtained weapon at times or circumstances other than those specified in the permit
  • Any place where the conveying of firearms is prohibited by Federal Law.

Places Allowed in California

  • State parks
  • State and national forests
  • Road side residue areas
  • Vehicle
  • All areas of the land not listed equally Off-Limits

California Handgun Laws To Know

Yeah/NO - Must Inform Officer

California gun laws exercise not say you lot must inform a law enforcement officer y'all are carrying a concealed firearm or that y'all demand to acquit your permit. However, some counties are putting restrictions on permits that state the holder of the permit must inform if stopped past law enforcement that they take a concealed firearm. If y'all have such a restriction then y'all must inform. It'southward too best do to behave your let and photograph ID whenever you have a firearm on your person.


"No Weapons" signs practice not have the forcefulness of police in California. There are no legal penalties for entering a private property or business concern that has posted these signs. They take no force of law unless they are posted in areas that are mentioned by the constabulary as being off limits. GunsToCarry recommends that yous do not enter a property displaying a "No Weapons" sign whether the law is for or against signage. If asked to get out a belongings and you refuse to do so then you are breaking the law and put yourself at risk of being charged.

Aye - Without a allow

Y'all can carry a handgun in a vehicle provided you are 18 or older, you reside in California and the firearm is unloaded and stored in a locked container other than the utility or glove compartment. When the handgun is being carried to or from the vehicle it must exist in a locked container.

If you have a concealed carry permit then you can comport a loaded firearm in a vehicle.

The Law Penal Code 16850

NO - with or Without a permit

Open carry is non legal even with a permit.


In Restaurants That Serve Alcohol
"Yes" or "No" states if you tin can carry in a eating house that serves alcohol. Some restaurants may be posted with "NO GUN" signs. Check with the staff if this means just the bar area. If we accept indicated a "Yes" then it should be legal to have a meal without drinking alcohol.

The California issuing say-so can put a restriction on your allow stating No Bars, if that is the case yous cannot enter any identify that serves alcohol.


You can carry in a state park only buildings are off limits. Any building in a state park is government property and it is illegal to take a weapon within. Carrying a firearm in a WMA (wildlife management area) is illegal. Country Parks: Yep State/National Forests: Yep Land Game Direction Units: NO - Fish & Game lawmaking 10500 Road Side Balance Areas: Aye

More Details

History Of California Gun Laws

antique pistol

Larn California's Gun History


Get-go gun control Act.


Dealers are required to study all sales to the land.


All concealed weapons go illegal without a permit.


All guns that are loaded are banned in public.


State preemption law enacted banning local authorities from regulating firearms.


First assault weapons laws enacted subsequently school shooting in Stockton.


All private sales of firearms must now exist processed through a licensed dealer.


Waiting menstruum to purchase firearms modified to x days. Originally set in 1923 at 1 day was then increased in 1955 to 3 days, so 5 days in 1965, xv days in 1975 and and so back downwards to 10 days in 1997 which is still the electric current police.


Anyone moving to California must annals their handguns within 60 days. This was modified to include the recording of long guns sales and serial numbers in 2014.


2d assault weapons laws enacted banning large magazines.


Constabulary enacted that limits purchases of concealed firearms to one every 30 days per person.


Open carry of an unloaded handgun is banned.


Open carry of an unloaded long gun banned.


All long guns must now be registered.


You now need a test and safety document for long gun purchases.


Law enacted that now requires persons to exist at least 21 years old to purchase any type of firearm - handgun, long gun and shotguns.

California Gun Sales & Preemption

Individual Gun Sales

All private gun sales in California must exist processed through a licensed dealer. All sales of firearms whether private or from a shop are recorded by the state and the purchaser must await x days before obtaining the firearm.


Local government regime are prohibited under California law from enacting regulations to command firearms. As they cannot direct regulate firearms a number of local government have regulated ammunition, such as Los Angeles who regulate that a magazine for rifles or handguns not agree more than than 10 rounds. Other local authorities have banned the belch of firearms and setup zoning restrictions on gun shops and firing ranges.

California Gun Statutes

California does not have a provision in their constitution to protect the right to ain and bear firearms.

california state capitol building

California Land Capitol Building

California Statutes on CCW

Off-Limits Statutes

No person at a gun show or event, other than security personnel or sworn peace officers, shall possess at the aforementioned fourth dimension both a firearm and ammunition that is designed to exist fired in the firearm. Vendors having those items at the show for sale or exhibition are exempt from this prohibition.

Other CCW Statutes

California CCW FAQ'due south

Concealed bear permits are issued past the county Sheriff or Chief of Police in your county of residence.

California CCW Contact

California Bureau of Firearms


Monday – Fri 9am – 5pm

Sat Closed

Sunday Closed


Address 4949 Broadway

Metropolis Sacramento, CA 95820

Phone (916) 227-7527

Updates & Data Sources


The data contained on this page is not legal advice only is merely a starting point for your ain research. It is up to you lot to make up one's mind what the best course of action is for your circumstances. We are not lawyers, if you lot'd like individualized legal advice, we'd exist happy to refer you to some law practices with known firearm specializations. It is crucial that yous understand the law before you bear a firearm. Too, call up that just because a statute may clearly say one thing or some other, that doesn't mean all members of law enforcement know information technology. That also goes for lawyers and fifty-fifty judges also.