
How To Use Shift Register Code For Arduino

Before nosotros dive into our principal topic, let us offset discuss what are shift registers used for. Shift registers take many uses – converting information from series to parallel format (in communication systems, for case), and the reverse of this, up/downwardly counters, band counters, sequence generators, time delays, and data storage, just to proper name a few. They are everywhere and very onetime. It was in 1944 in Bletchly Park in the United kingdom of great britain and northern ireland when Tommy Flowers of the GPO built the world's outset shift register using valves (tubes). You can read more about that here.


If you have a project which consumes a lot of pins on an Arduino Uno – maybe you're already using pins for an LCD display, and yous demand more to add an array of 8 LEDs, but there are non enough pins left – what you need is a shift register.

In other words, shift registers are sequential logic circuits, capable of storage and transfer of information.

SIPO and PISO Shift Registers

Shift registers come in 2 chief types, a SIPO (Serial-In-Parallel-Out) or PISO (Parallel-In-Serial-Out). The standard SIPO chip is a 74HC595 shift register, and the PISO chip is a 74HC165 shift register. A SIPO is useful for driving a large number of outputs, like LEDs, or vii segment displays, and a PISO is useful for gathering a large number of inputs, like buttons.

Using SIPO and PISO

An understanding of some bitwise Arduino manipulation is helpful to using SIPO and PISO. To illustrate this ameliorate, nosotros volition build some example projects. For sketch 1, we will employ the PISO 74HC165 connected to 4 input DIP switches. This volition read the parallel value on the switches out to the series port.

For sketch 2, we will use the SIPO 74HC595 to control eight LEDs on the output and make a simple running light display. And finally, for sketch 3, we will use once again the SIPO 74HC595 to write some patterns to the LEDs, but this time, using a design assortment.

Wiring Up the Shift Registers to the Arduino

Here are the parts you will demand:

  • Arduino Uno
  • Jumper wires
  • Breadboard
  • One 74HC595 SIPO shift register
  • 1 74HC165 PISO shift register
  • Eight 220 Ohm current limiting resistors
  • Four 5.6K Ohm pull up resistors
  • I iv-position DIP switch

The 74HC165 is the chip on the left, and the 74HC595 is the switch on the correct:

Fritzing Diagram of Shift Annals Project

To learn more about the Arduino, cheque out our Ultimate Guide to the Arduino video course. We teach Arduino programming and excursion building techniques that will set up you lot to build any project.

Notes on the Sketches

There are no libraries to install. All nosotros need are the three sketches below.


Sketch one is a PISO. Information technology loads the value of the nibble (a nibble is half a byte), where the switches are gear up at, into the register, and clocks them out serially. The series output is to the Arduino serial window, but this might not exist apparent. The Arduino will not impress leading zeros on a binary number, so I accept included a part printBin() that will do this. The role too formats the impress with the right space betwixt nibbles. Because of the manner I wired mine, the data I wanted comes out in the MSN (Nearly Significant Nibble), so I utilize >>4 to go it into the LSN. All the clocking and shifting is done by pulsing the clockIn and dataIn pins and and then using the shiftIn() function.

Sketch 2 is a SIPO. We write a serial data stream in past using the initial state of i=0 and so clock that through the annals and using bitset() to turn the bits on. The function shiftLED() does the difficult work of latching and clocking the log for us.

Sketch three is a different approach. Hither, a bit pattern is stored in an array, and this is passed on to shiftLED bit by bit to create a pattern. I have given you two patterns merely comment them out one at a time.

Arduino Lawmaking for Sketch i (PISO)

            //reads dip sws and displays on series monitor // Define Connections to 74HC165 int load = 11; // PL pivot 1 int clockEnablePin = 8; // CE pin 15 int dataIn = 9;// Q7 pin vii int clockIn = 10; // CP pin 2 ///////////////////////////////////// void setup() {    Serial.begin(9600);    // Setup 74HC165 connections   pinMode(load, OUTPUT);   pinMode(clockEnablePin, OUTPUT);   pinMode(clockIn, OUTPUT);   pinMode(dataIn, INPUT); }  ///////////////////////////////////// void loop() {    // Write pulse to load pivot   digitalWrite(load, Depression);   delayMicroseconds(5);   digitalWrite(load, HIGH);   delayMicroseconds(5);     // Become data from 74HC165   digitalWrite(clockIn, High);   digitalWrite(clockEnablePin, LOW);   byte incoming = shiftIn(dataIn, clockIn, LSBFIRST);   digitalWrite(clockEnablePin, Loftier);     // Impress to serial monitor  // incoming = incoming & 0B11110000; //mask off and get rid of lsb  //non required as 0's get shifted in   incoming = incoming >> four; //move msb to lsb   printBin(incoming);   //notation you lot can invert the  logic with ~incoming   delay(200); } /////////////////////////////////////////// void printBin(byte inByte)  //if you endeavour print 00011101 you lot will get 1101 as the leading zeros don't impress //this prints a bin number with all the leading zeros and a infinite between nibbles {   for (int b = seven; b >= 4; b--)       Serial.impress(bitRead(inByte, b));         Serial.impress(" ");    for (int b = 3; b >= 0; b--)       Serial.impress(bitRead(inByte, b));  //at present prints:  0001 1101   Series.println(); //needs a CR at end } ////////////////////////////////////////////          

Arduino Code for Sketch 2 (SIPO)

            int latchPin = 5; int clkPin = 6; int dataPin = four; byte LED = 0; byte i=0; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup()  {   Series.begin(9600);   pinMode(latchPin, OUTPUT);   pinMode(dataPin, OUTPUT);     pinMode(clkPin, OUTPUT); } ////////////////////////////////////////////////////// void loop()  {     //unmarried LED running lite   LED = 0; //lsbit   if(i==8)       i=0;   bitSet(LED, i);   Serial.println(i);   shiftLED(LED);    i++;   filibuster(300);   } ////////////////////////////////////////////////// void shiftLED(byte thisLED) {    digitalWrite(latchPin, LOW);    shiftOut(dataPin, clkPin, MSBFIRST, thisLED);    digitalWrite(latchPin, HIGH); } //////////////////////////////////////////////          

Arduino Code for Sketch 3 (SIPO With Pattern Array)

            // Define Connections to 74HC595  const int latchPin = five;// ST_CP pivot 12 const int clockPin = six; // SH_CP pivot eleven const int dataPin = 4; // DS pin fourteen  int blueprint[viii]; /////////////////////////////////////////////// void setup() {   pinMode(latchPin,OUTPUT);   pinMode(clockPin,OUTPUT);   pinMode(dataPin,OUTPUT);        //pattern arrays   pattern[0] = B10101010;   design[1] = B01010101;   pattern[2] = B10101010;   pattern[3] = B01010101;   pattern[4] = B10101010;   design[5] = B01010101;   design[6] = B10101010;   blueprint[7] = B01010101;  //  pattern[0] = B00000001; //  pattern[1] = B00000010; //  pattern[2] = B00000100; //  design[3] = B00001000; //  pattern[4] = B00010000; //  pattern[six] = B01000000; //  design[vii] = B10000000;  } //////////////////////////////////////////////// void loop()  {    for(int num = 0; num < 8; num++)   {     shiftLED(pattern[num]);     delay(200);    } } ////////////////////////////////////////////// void shiftLED(byte thisLED) {    digitalWrite(latchPin, Low);    shiftOut(dataPin, clockPin, MSBFIRST, thisLED);    digitalWrite(latchPin, Loftier); } //////////////////////////////////////////////          

Output and Results

Output of sketch ane
Output of sketch 2
Output of sketch 3

Hope this article has given you a amend idea near what a shift register is and how to use them on the Arduino. Be sure to go out a comment below if you have questions well-nigh anything!

How To Use Shift Register Code For Arduino,


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